Developers on the Fence About Returning to the Office

Whether you’re an early-career developer looking to make your first job jump or an experienced programmer searching for greener pastures, it’s probably occurred to you that there’s no shortage of developers in the world today. With more jobs than people to fill them, skilled developers may be wondering if they should stay in the office, or if they should go back to freelancing or consulting instead. Should they trust the company culture? Will their skills atrophy from lack of use? Is there room for advancement at these companies, or will they be stuck in place forever?
Do you really need an office?
If you’re a developer, chances are you can do your job from anywhere. So why do you need an office? For some, the office is a place to socialize and collaborate with co-workers. For others, it’s a necessary evil. If you’re undecided about returning to the office, here are a few things to consider. First, if your company has just downsized or restructured in any way that could be considered mass layoffs, then don’t go back. You’ll only add insult to injury for those who have lost their jobs. Second, if you work for a big company with well over 100 employees or more than 10 floors of office space.
The benefits of working from home
For many developers, working from home has been a dream come true. No more commuting, being able to set your own hours, and increased flexibility are just a few of the perks. But as we start to see a return to the office, some developers are wondering if going back is worth it. Here are a few things to consider -Some might miss the social aspect of work.
Workplace culture in remote companies
When it comes to workplace culture, remote companies have a lot to offer. For one, there’s no need to commute, which can save you time and money. And since most remote companies are global, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and work with people from all over the world. But there are also some challenges that come with working in a remote company. For example, you may feel isolated from your team or miss out on impromptu bonding moments. Plus, many remote companies have strict policies about what type of clothes employees wear at the office. If you’re not committed to wearing a dress shirt and slacks every day, then this isn’t the best environment for you.
Tools to make it easier
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many developers to work from home for the first time. And while some are eager to return to the office, others are hesitant. If you’re on the fence about returning to work, here are a few tools that can make the transition easier
1) Don’t forget to pack your laptop charger! A dead battery is one of the easiest ways to get your day off to a bad start.
2) Find out what’s going on in the world of programming before you head back into the office with Follow @codeasap and @codinghorror . These blogs will give you an update on recent hacks and trends so that you can feel like part of the conversation once again.
Deciding whether or not to move into an office
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many developers to work from home. Some have loved the experience and others are ready for a return to the office. But not everyone is sure what they want. I’ve enjoyed working remotely, but I also think it’s important to be around other people, said one developer. The commute can be grueling if you live too far away, but if you don’t mind driving an hour or so, it can be really rewarding. There are still plenty of opportunities to collaborate with your colleagues during a daily commute—even if it takes more time out of your day than being in an office environment.
Next steps
The pandemic has forced many developers to work from home, and some have found that they prefer it. But as vaccines roll out and businesses start reopening, some developers are feeling pressure to return to the office. If you’re undecided about going back, here are a few things to consider.