February 14, 2025

How to give Siri a new voice in iOS 14.5

How to give Siri a new voice in iOS 14.5

iOS 14.5 introduced new voices to Siri, including an Australian male voice, an English female voice with an Irish accent, and a British male voice with an Indian accent, amongst others. The exciting thing about these new voices is that you can customize them to the one that you think fits your style best by modifying some settings in the General menu of your iPhone or iPad’s Settings app. Here’s how to do it!

Open Settings

If you want to change Siri’s voice, you first need to open the Settings app. Once you’re in the Settings app, scroll down and tap on Siri & Search. On the next page, tap on Siri Voice. Here, you’ll see a list of different voices that you can choose from.

You can tap on any of the voices to hear a preview of what it sounds like. When you find one that you like, just press Done and confirm your selection. Now, when you talk to Siri she will have your chosen voice. The only downside is that all of your other voice assistants will also use this voice, which might not be what you wanted. But if you prefer Siri’s new sound over her old one, then this is a great way to get it!


You can now customize Siri’s voice in iOS 14.5! This guide will show you how to change Siri’s voice to one of the new options. If you have an iPhone 6S or later, open up Settings and tap General. If not, just go to Settings and scroll down until you see General. Under Voice Gender, tap on Female or Male and select the gender that corresponds with your preferred voice. Next, under Accent (depending on where you live), choose from American English, Australian English, British English, Irish English or Scottish English. Finally under Customize (where all of your settings are stored), tap on Siri Voices and then tap Choose New Voice. Select which voice you want to use for Siri and then click Done!


Whether you’re hard of hearing, have a speech impairment, or simply want Siri to sound like something other than a default voice, you can now customize Siri’s voice in iOS 14.5. Here’s how:

Open the Settings app on your iPhone and go to Siri & Search.

Tap on the ‘Siri Voice’ option.

Here you’ll see three different choices for Siri’s voice: American, British, and Australian. The British and Australian voices are female while the American voice is male.

Tap on one of these options and then tap Preview to hear what it sounds like. You can also tap Show All Voices at the bottom if you would like to hear all four options. When you find one that works for you, tap Done at the top right corner.

You may need to restart your phone before this change takes effect


In iOS 14.5, you can now change Siri’s voice to one of two new options: Andrew and Samantha. To do this, go to Settings > Siri & Search > Siri Voice. Here, you’ll see the two new voices as well as the default voice, which is still available.

Voice Gender

iOS 14.5 allows you to change Siri’s voice gender from the default female voice to a male voice. To do this, open the Settings app and go to Siri & Search. Tap on the Voice Gender option and select Male. You can also choose between American, Australian, and British accents for Siri’s male voice.


If you’re bored of Siri’s default voice, you can now customize it to better suit your taste. With the release of iOS 14.5, you can now change Siri’s voice to one of two new options. Here’s how – Open Settings app and select General -> Siri -> Voice Gender

  •  Choose from Female or Male and then tap Save
  •  Now open the Settings app again and select General -> Siri -> Voice for ‘English (United States)’
  •  From the list that appears, choose Male or Female English (United States)
  • Once again tap Save

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